Isnin, 9 September 2013



As a member of your school alumni association, you have been invited to present a paper and talk titled ‘The Benefits of Speaking Effectively in English' to a group of school leavers. The paper will be distributed to the audience before your talk. Do the following to prepare for the presentation:

1.      Write the paper using these headings/sub-headings and notes below as well as others that you may decide to use. Content given is suggested only; you may add your own ideas where appropriate.

·         Introduction – importance of English as the official second language, need for speech training in English, purpose of paper: benefits of speaking effectively

·         Oral communication in English and personal development: interpersonal, group and public speaking skills contribute to language proficiency, help develop bilingual competence, increase self-confidence and self-worth, etc.

·         Effective speech performance in public:  participate in conversation, dialogue, public forums, etc.; be able to speak for yourself and for others on issues of public importance, ask relevant questions, provide appropriate responses and informed viewpoints, etc.

·         Good speaking abilities important for better job/career prospects: research shows link between speaking ability and career mobility, better job interview performance, effective/productive use of spoken English at the workplace, etc.

·         Summary of the paper: restate benefits of speaking effectively in English; concluding remarks

2.      Prepare 10 -12 MS PowerPoint slides based on the content of your paper for a 10 minute talk. Use phrases rather than whole sentences to write the text of your slides. Use numbered/bulleted lists to organise and present main/supporting ideas on a given slide. Make your slides visually interesting by using suitable colours for the background and embedded symbols and pictures as appropriate.

[Total: 30 Markah]

The breakdown of marks is as follows:
  1. Written Paper – 20 marks
  2. Oral Presentation – 10 marks
Total: 30 marks

  1. WRITTEN PAPER (20 marks):

Assessment Criteria
(Marks Allotment)


(12 marks)

Very Good to Excellent:
Substantive and knowledgeable development of assigned topic; ideas are relevant to topic; ideas appropriately and interestingly selected; ideas logically and coherently stated; supported and sequenced; overall cohesiveness achieved.

Average to Good:
Some knowledge of assigned topic; adequate range of ideas; ideas are mostly relevant to topic but lack details; loosely organised but main ideas stand out; limited support; logical but incomplete sequencing.

Poor to Fair:
Limited knowledge of the assigned topic; ideas are of little substance and inadequate; ideas are somewhat confused or disconnected; lacks logical sequencing and development.





(8 marks)

Very Good to Excellent:
Very effective use of complex sentence structure; sophisticated and effective range of vocabulary; appropriate register; few grammatical errors.

Average to Good:
Effective simple sentences; adequate range of vocabulary; several grammatical errors but meaning not obscured.

Poor to Fair:
Major problems in use of simple sentences; limited and repetitive choice of vocabulary; frequent grammatical errors causing unclear meaning.




Total Marks

  1. ORAL PRESENTATION (10 marks):


Effective Presenter

Excellent presenter who presents ideas coherently and clearly; uses appropriate voice volume and intonation; uses suitable linguistic expressions; communication is not at all affected by minor errors; natural and no reading of prepared slides.


Good Presenter

Satisfactory presenter who is able to present ideas coherently and clearly most of the time, uses acceptable voice volume and intonation; uses some suitable linguistic expressions; communication generally not affected by errors; some reading from prepared slides but not too obvious.


Fair Presenter

Less than satisfactory presenter; some ideas are lost or confusing, uses inappropriate voice volume (too soft) or intonation; uses poor linguistic expressions; communication sometimes affected by major errors; some reading from prepared slides.


Poor Presenter

Poor presenter with little or no communication taking place; shows inability to perform task; cannot respond to audience; incoherent and poor use of language features; total reading from prepared slides.


Total Marks

TOTAL= 30 marks

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